
Spinnova is a transformative textile innovator and the only company globally that can produce textile fibers from multiple raw materials without any harmful chemicals or dissolving. Spinnova’s vision is to transform the raw material base of the entire textile industry.

The Spinnova brand images have been playing an important role strategically when they moved towards an aggressive scale-up phase. One of the main goals was to partner with the world's biggest brands and to create images that they want to use in the co-branding campaigns and materials. They have already scored some impressive partnership deals with the world’s most famous brands, including adidas, The North Face, and H&M.

After working together with Spinnova as the creative agency tasked with their visual identity, brand images and co-branding campaigns, we teamed up again to bring a fresh spin to their brand imagery with a new concept.


Spinnova is no longer a new startup, but a recognised clean tech innovator in the textile industry. The foundation of Spinnova brand imagery is solid, yet there was a clear need for an update.

Together with Spinnova, we wanted to invite and be open – create a mission and ethos for the future, for a future which is already here. Not utopian, but merely a matter of choice.

As the brand is young and the aesthetics are very strong, there is no need to reinvent the wheel – it would also be disorienting for partners.

We decided to build on what is and take the existing brand a new decisive step ahead with fresh brand imagery.


We created a concept with a more inclusive and playful humane feel, that also has a strong will to be the innovative change generator with a vision for a sustainable future and a clean legacy.

Brands as well as consumers can simply decide to lead a circular life. The textile industry has a choice to create circular through Spinnova’s technological innovation - and this choice needs to be extended to the consumers as well.

As a way to engage the potential change-makers to the mission, we street casted the models and asked their views on a cleaner future. These thoughts were quoted in the imagery to enhance the strong message of starting a movement.


As Spinnova's fibre originates from nature, we aimed to embrace the the original concept while also bringing urban elements to the renewed imagery in order to make the brand feel more approachable for the end customers.

The imagery was carefully crafted in line with Spinnova's brand principles, featuring a tranquil yet vibrant atmosphere, simple design elements, and the use of natural materials in urban environment.

This visual language effectively communicates Spinnova and its partners as pioneers in modern, sustainable technology while maintaining a strong connection to nature.



Creative Director: Jyri von Schoultz
Art Director: Jenny Stringer
Client Director: Mia Oksala
Producer: Veera Moilanen

Photographer: Anton Sucksdorff
Retouch: Flc

See next work:

Vaisala Xweather
